DP World Australia Industrial Action Update

Dear Valued Customers

DP World Australia’s have provided Upcoming Protected Industrial Actions list #8

Nautical Shipping will continue to provide updated information. Please be informed of the following –


Terminal From To Action Type Action
Brisbane 13/11/2023 7:00 14/11/2023 7:00 Stoppage ban on working any Nominated Shipping Line1
Brisbane 13/11/2023 7:00 20/11/2023 7:00 Stoppage 8 hours Stoppage from all fast
Brisbane 13/11/2023 7:00 20/11/2023 7:00 Ban ban on the performance of overtime
Brisbane 13/11/2023 7:00 20/11/2023 7:00 Ban ban on the performance of shift extensions
Brisbane 13/11/2023 13:00 20/11/2023 7:00 Stoppage 2 hours duration commencing at 0500, 1300, and 2100 each day
Brisbane 16/11/2023 7:00 18/11/2023 7:00 Ban ban on loading or unloading trucks and trains (receival and delivery of containers)
Brisbane 20/11/2023 7:00 21/11/2023 7:00 Stoppage ban on working any Nominated Shipping Line2
Brisbane 20/11/2023 7:00 27/11/2023 7:00 Stoppage 8 hours Stoppage from all fast
Brisbane 20/11/2023 7:00 27/11/2023 7:00 Ban ban on the performance of overtime
Brisbane 20/11/2023 7:00 27/11/2023 7:00 Ban ban on the performance of shift extensions
Brisbane 20/11/2023 13:00 27/11/2023 7:00 Stoppage stoppages of work of 2 hours duration commencing at 0500, 1300, and 2100 each day
Brisbane 22/11/2023 7:00 23/11/2023 7:00 Stoppage ban on working any Nominated Shipping Line1
Brisbane 23/11/2023 7:00 24/11/2023 7:00 Ban ban on loading or unloading trucks and trains (receival and delivery of containers)
Melbourne 14/11/2023 0:01 20/11/2023 6:00 Stoppage stoppage of work of 2 hours duration commencing at 0400, 1200, and 2000 each day
Melbourne 14/11/2023 0:01 20/11/2023 6:00 Stoppage 8 hours Stoppage from all fast
Melbourne 14/11/2023 0:01 20/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on the performance of overtime
Melbourne 14/11/2023 0:01 20/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on the performance of shift extensions
Melbourne 14/11/2023 0:01 14/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on the performance of upgrades
Melbourne 15/11/2023 22:00 16/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on the performance of upgrades
Melbourne 16/11/2023 6:00 18/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on loading or unloading trucks and trains (receival and delivery of containers)
Melbourne 16/11/2023 6:00 17/11/2023 6:00 Stoppage ban on working any Nominated Shipping Line1
Melbourne 17/11/2023 22:00 18/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on the performance of upgrades
Melbourne 19/11/2023 22:00 20/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on the performance of upgrades
Melbourne 20/11/2023 6:00 27/11/2023 6:00 Stoppage 8 hours Stoppage from all fast
Melbourne 20/11/2023 6:00 27/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on the performance of overtime
Melbourne 20/11/2023 6:00 27/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on the performance of shift extensions
Melbourne 20/11/2023 12:00 27/11/2023 6:00 Stoppage stoppage of work of 2 hours duration commencing at 0400, 1200, and 2000 each day
Melbourne 20/11/2023 14:00 21/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on the performance of upgrades
Melbourne 22/11/2023 14:00 23/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on the performance of upgrades
Melbourne 24/11/2023 6:00 25/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on loading or unloading trucks and trains (receival and delivery of containers)
Melbourne 24/11/2023 6:00 25/11/2023 6:00 Stoppage ban on working any Nominated Shipping Line2
Melbourne 25/11/2023 6:00 26/11/2023 6:00 Stoppage ban on working any Nominated Shipping Line1
Melbourne 26/11/2023 14:00 27/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on the performance of upgrades
Sydney 13/11/2023 6:00 14/11/2023 6:00 Stoppage ban on working any Nominated Shipping Line1
Sydney 13/11/2023 6:00 20/11/2023 6:00 Stoppage 8 hours Stoppage from all fast
Sydney 13/11/2023 6:00 20/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on the performance of overtime
Sydney 13/11/2023 6:00 20/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on the performance of shift extensions
Sydney 13/11/2023 13:00 20/11/2023 6:00 Stoppage stoppages of work of 1 hour duration commencing at 0500, 1300, and 2100 each day
Sydney 14/11/2023 6:00 15/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on loading or unloading trucks and trains (receival and delivery of containers)
Sydney 15/11/2023 0:01 16/11/2023 6:00 Stoppage ban on working any Nominated Shipping Line2
Sydney 16/11/2023 6:00 17/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on loading or unloading trucks and trains (receival and delivery of containers)
Sydney 16/11/2023 14:00 17/11/2023 15:00 Stoppage stoppage of work of 1 hour duration
Sydney 17/11/2023 6:00 18/11/2023 6:00 Stoppage stoppage of work of 24 hours duration
Sydney 17/11/2023 22:00 19/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on the performance of upgrades on nightshift only
Sydney 20/11/2023 6:00 27/11/2023 6:00 Stoppage 8 hours Stoppage from all fast
Sydney 20/11/2023 6:00 27/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on the performance of overtime
Sydney 20/11/2023 6:00 27/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on the performance of shift extensions
Sydney 20/11/2023 6:00 21/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on loading or unloading trucks and trains (receival and delivery of containers)
Sydney 20/11/2023 6:00 24/11/2023 22:00 Ban ban on the performance of upgrades on day shifts and evening shifts only
Sydney 20/11/2023 13:00 27/11/2023 6:00 Stoppage stoppages of work of 1 hour duration commencing at 0500, 1300, and 2100 each day
Sydney 21/11/2023 6:00 22/11/2023 6:00 Stoppage ban on working any Nominated Shipping Line2
Sydney 22/11/2023 6:00 23/11/2023 6:00 Stoppage ban on working any Nominated Shipping Line1
Sydney 23/11/2023 6:00 24/11/2023 6:00 Ban ban on loading or unloading trucks and trains (receival and delivery of containers)
Sydney 24/11/2023 6:00 25/11/2023 6:00 Stoppage stoppage of work of 24 hours duration

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Should you have any questions please contact Nautical Sales sales@nauticalshipping.com.au

Kind Regards
Nautical Commercial Team


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